Wightlife Magazine
Wightlink’s onboard magazine – the essential guide the Isle of Wight….
Wightlife Magazine is the Isle of Wight’s largest distributed magazine and it was one of the largest projects Thea worked on consistently throughout her time at Solent.
Produced for Wightlink as their onboard publication it is designed and published by Solent.
When Thea joined the team Solent had just brought out their first summer edition of the magazine and one of the first projects she worked on was the winter edition – a great way to cut her teeth in publication design and perhaps thrown a little in the deep end.
Thankfully she didn’t sink and this quickly became one of her passion projects at the agency. Her role was to design everything from the cover, spreads of the pages and adverts as well as art direction and the sourcing and commissioning of engaging photography that sold the Island’s unique beauty appealing to visitors.
During her time at Solent Thea managed to get a whopping twelve editions of Wightlife under her belt!